Life Lessons from Legends #1 - Bruce  Lee

The Martial Arts Master Tackles one of the biggest bullies of our time - social media

Time to read:
4 minutes
Time to action:
1-5 minutes 
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Main message:
Your route to health might be hiding in plain sight
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The eagle-eyed amongst you will have spotted that, having died on 20th July 1973, Bruce Lee and social media sadly never went head-to-head. But, anyone who has studied the Little Dragon’s work will know that his teachings transcend martial arts and even now, present a useful guide to modern living. They even fight for morality in the cesspit of social media.

Bruce was ahead of his time. Taking the east, west. Mixing classic and street. Creating teaching that transcends. It makes sense that, over 50 years since his passing, his words still contain wisdom. ‘Legend’ is overused, but we would argue (with anyone) that Bruce is one of the few to really live up to the title. Few people are better placed to introduce this new series - life lessons from legends. Bruce takes on social media and shows us the way.

Bruce on digital self-belief…

LESSON: “Always be yourself [on Instagram], express yourself, have faith in yourself, do not go out and look for a successful personality and duplicate it”

LEARNING: As tempting as it is to bend your profile to look, feel, and sound like someone else’s, the singular thing that makes yours distinctive is you. Don't undersell yourself in an algorithm-driven world. You remain your singular biggest asset. 

Bruce on ‘being’ first, and ‘showing’ second…

LESSON: “The key to immortality is [not social media first], but first living a life worth remembering [through social media]”

LEARNING: When you are doing something worth recording. Don’t forget to enjoy it first and record it second. Living a life worthy of recording is only worthwhile if you live it, first. 

Bruce on the art of reinventing yourself…

LESSON: “All fixed set patterns [of content creation] are incapable of adaptability or pliability. The truth is outside of all fixed patterns.”

LEARNING: Try it, and fail, and try it, until you find the things that work for you. Invention is worth so much more than replication. You are here because you want a voice, don’t allow it to become someone else’s. 

Bruce on benevolence…

LESSON: “Take no thought of who is right or wrong or who is better than you. Be not for or against [in the comment sections]”

LEARNING: Cynicism is easy. Anger is easy. Rage is the fastest feeling, but laughing is the most rewarding. Take a second and think, why am I angry, and do I want to share that? Either way, remember it’s infectious

Bruce on self-belief over external approval

LESSON: “I'm not in your [virtual] world to live up to your expectations, and you're not in this [virtual] world to live up to mine”

LEARNING: The real joy of content creation is in the sense of self, not in the anticipation of others. If you can create, and simply find enjoyment in its being, rather than its reception, your feed will be active and appreciated for a very long time, my friend. 

Bruce on simple social messaging… 

LESSON: To me, the extraordinary aspect [of social media] lies in its simplicity. The easy way is also the right way, and [social media] is nothing at all special; the closer to the true way, the less wastage of expression there is”

LEARNING: Say what you want to say and enjoy it. Make it clear, and make it concise. It’s a winning formula for continued connection. 


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